How to Win Multiplayer Tetris Matches
Dominate the competition with our multiplayer Tetris guide.
There’s nothing quite like a competitive round of multiplayer Tetris to get your blood pumping. With multiplayer matches against real Tetris players, there’s a ton of variety. Everyone has his or her own unique approach to Tetris, and it can be a blast putting your methods to the test against someone else’s. Well, until you lose, that is!
To help you become the Tetris champ you were born to be, we put together a quick guide on how to win multiplayer Tetris matches!
Out of Bounds

Photo Credit: © Electronic Arts
The first thing to keep in mind when playing competitive multiplayer Tetris is the top of your Matrix. In multiplayer Tetris games like Tetris Ultimate, Tetris Friends, and Puyo Puyo Tetris, the winner is whoever pushes their opponent to the top of the Matrix. To avoid losing, therefore, you’ll need to avoid the top of the Matrix.
As such, the more room you leave between the top of the Matrix and your Tetris stack, the better. Keep in mind, it’s not only important to manage the height of your Tetris stack, it’s also important to know how to quickly clear lines while crunched up at the top of the Matrix. For fans of the Tetris Line Clear, you might want to avoid playing with the I-Tetrimino when your stack is close to the top of the Matrix.
One missed drop and you could end up reaching above your Matrix causing a loss. Try learning moves like the T-Spin, or simply practice knocking out single lines when playing single player Tetris. You’ll be glad you did when you need to clear lines quickly!
High Score

Photo Credit: © Electronic Arts
Another important element to keep in mind while playing multiplayer Tetris is your score. In multiplayer Tetris games like Tetris Blitz, a win or loss is determined by your final score. There are a variety of ways to rack up high scores depending on the Tetris game you’re playing. In Tetris Blitz, your score can be increased with Power-Ups (in-game score modifiers) and Finishers (end-of-game score boosts).
The same idea comes into play with item-based game modes, like Party Mode in Puyo Puyo Tetris. When it comes to score boosts, it helps to familiarize yourself with each item and what it is does. That way, when you head into a match, you’ll know the best way to knock out your opponents.
Meanwhile, pulling in high scores without items can be as simple as mastering strategies like the T-Spin or Tetris Line Clear. The more lines you clear, the more points you earn. When it comes to score, it all boils down to finding the strategy and/or item that works best for you!
Practice, Speed, and Precision

Photo Credit: © Sega
Finally, we have the trifecta of practice, speed, and precision. What impact do these three elements have on multiplayer Tetris? Well, the more you practice, the better you get at Tetris. Remember, practice is one of the key factors towards becoming a Tetris master. The faster you clear lines, clear garbage, and earn points, the better chance you have at victory.
In fact, if your opponent has a similar strategy as you do, victory often hangs on who clears lines faster. Keep in mind, though, that speed should not be put before precision. After all, building your Tetris stack quickly means nothing if you mishandle your Tetriminos. Many Tetris players know that misplacing Tetriminos can quickly spell disaster in a multiplayer Tetris match.
Because of this, it’s important to know exactly where you’re dropping each Tetrimino. Don’t be afraid to slow down when it comes to tricky Tetriminos. Also, don’t let yourself be intimidated by how quickly your opponent moves. Again, his or her speed means nothing if they lack precision.
Try to keep your eyes on your own Matrix unless you’re waiting for the perfect time to perform a back-to-back Tetris Line Clear. Additionally, keep practicing until you find the perfect balance between speed and precision. When that happens, your opponents won’t stand a chance!
Speaking of practice, if these tips and tricks have motivated you to warm-up with some single-player Tetris before trying your hand at multiplayer, we’ve got you covered. Click here to play a few rounds of Tetris online!